SSeGames - Profile

Ranked #96 out of 431 shops

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Telephone: 86 0731 13874903690
Street address: changshashi canxiang wangluo
youxian gongsi
changshashi tianma xiaoqu
43dong 5danyuan
Country: China
Livehelp: Available

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Last Update: July 28, 2015

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Review by linda
ssegames deliver my wow gold order.but it takes too long to deliver it.when i checked stock,they guarantee 15 min,but it take 24 hours friend tell me,and it only take 5 min.
Review by luiz
They robbed me literally, I paid then we went in-game so they would give me the gold inside the dungeon, we entered the dungeon but i got disconnected at the start.

When i connected back they said they gave me the gold and asked me to check, I had nothing obviously so I said:

me: I didn't get the gold
sse: but we gave you already (sent ss that proves nothing)
me: sorry man I didn't get any im swear
sse: but we already gave you so we can't give it again, we will lose Money
me: like i just did? so thats it?
sse: I'm afraid so (disconnected from the chat)

Be careful guys I'm glad that I "bought" a small ammount first to see if i could trust them, i just literally lost my money.
Review by pickleonion
ordered the gold on saturday and on monday still was waiting for the gold all there kept saying was there need 6 hours more then it changed to 7 hours then this morning was told to log on and wait 30-60 min this was 5-6 hours ago and still nothing so i would not be using this shop again and i would tell anyone to stay well clear of this place it is very poor.
Review by doria
i bought from this website 3 times. the first 2 times is really quick and the delivery man also give me extra 100G.HAHA , but the last time i waited for 2 days, the live chat girls told me there got some problems on Stock, so i wait. and then get it after 48 hours. Lucky i get the gold and never been hacked, so i think in General it is a good website. you all can have a try.
Review by delusional
thease have always been great until recently, they delivered my order to the wrong server and refused to give me my money back or deliver to right character then the live chat just cut me off and they refused to speak to me. this is after a few years of purchasing from thease regular, they made a mess up and that was it, they are robbing B******* DO NOT USE THEM!
Review by Sheeple
These guys used to be solid and reliable but over the past few months, Mar-Jun 2011, they've been terrible. Gold takes forever to arrive and at the moment I'm still waiting for the 2641g balance on 25k I ordered 8 days ago. Their customer services consists of telling you how sorry they are. Occasionally they'll agree to give you an extra 200g or 500g compensation but this will never actually be delivered.

The stock checker on their website always says they have gold even when they don't. I once ordered 5k gold, only to be told by customer support they were out of gold on my server while their website was reporting all amounts of gold (including, 100k) being in stock.

I don't know what's changed at SSEGames but having had 4 bad experiences in a row, I'm not using them anymore. They are cheap though so if you can afford to wait hours/days/weeks, they are worth a try but if you want gold quickly then find some place else.
Review by Pottenger
I was a little scared at first because of the ratings, and the fact that they didnt deliver within 5 minutes of ordering, but I did get the money about 8 hours later.. Someone contacted me in game, and I didnt expect it, told me to meet him at SW. These are cheap and they do deliver. Just happy I got the money.

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