Rappelz Rupees

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#1 InGameDelivery
#2 Koala Credits
#4 Avatarbank
#5 MmoGah

Rappelz Rupees Price History

Last Update: October 21, 2024

On this page you'll see a listing of providers from which you can buy RPZ Rupees. This overview not only includes the Rappelz Rupees prices of every shop, but also a customer rating. Shops listed as trusted sellers have a proven track record and are usually safe to buy from.

Our RPZ Rupees list has been last updated on October 21, 2024. The next update is scheduled for October 23, 2024. As of October 22, 2024 the median price for 10 is $0. Currently there are 0 Rappelz Rupees prices in our database.

About Rappelz Rupees

Rappelz is a free to play MMO role-playing game that was developed by Gala Lab, a Korean company that was formerly known as nFlavor. In Europe and North America, it is published by Webzen Inc., and available in English, German, French, Polish, Italian and Turkish. In October 2008, a game publishing company based in South East Asia, AsiaSoft, also published the game as RappelzSEA. However, on 1 Sep 2009, the company dropped the game. On 16 Mar 2009, the game was commercially launched and released under a different title, Hope of Nations. The game published in Arabic for MENA gamers was published by Game Power 7, an Emirati company. On 15 Jul 2010, EagleGame in the Philippines also released a new version of the game. On 6 Feb 2013, Rappelz GM confirmed that "Gala Net, Inc. and its subsidiaries Gala Networks Europe and Gala-net Brazil have been acquired by Webzen, Inc.". However, Gala Labs and Gala Japan are still the ones developing the game.


The act of going out into a dungeon or file, and collecting the rupees and items that drop from enemy Mobs from killing them is called farming. This is a good strategy to not only get rupees, but also to potentially gain expensive items, obtain needed equipments, and stock up on perishable supplies.

Sometimes, there are events that will allow for rare items to drop from Mobs for a given time period. These event items are usually available in larger quantities and and are more expensive. This is a good opportunity for players to stock up for later more higher value items than they would normally find, or sell them off.


Another way to not only earn rupees but also acquire items that are not available elsewhere is to complete quests. Quest Brokers offer a neverending supply of random quests with different quest rewards, despite most quests being a one time deal only.

Exchanging Lak

Players can trade Lak for either rupees or chips. Players can exchange Lak for rupees if they have an overflowing amount of chips. It is far more profitable than exchanging it in for more chips.


Unwanted items can be sold by players to any shop type NPCs. However, remember that an item can be bought cheaper by an NPC than can normally be sold elsewhere. Items can be bought by NPCs at one quarter of the cost they will be selling them for.