Age of Conan (EU) Gold

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Age of Conan (EU)
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#1 InGameDelivery
#2 Koala Credits
#4 Avatarbank
#5 MmoGah

Age of Conan (EU) Gold Price History

Last Update: October 21, 2024

On this page you'll see a listing of providers from which you can buy AoC Gold. This overview not only includes the Age of Conan (EU) Gold prices of every shop, but also a customer rating. Shops listed as trusted sellers have a proven track record and are usually safe to buy from.

Our AoC Gold list has been last updated on October 21, 2024. The next update is scheduled for October 23, 2024. As of October 22, 2024 the median price for 100 is $0. Currently there are 0 Age of Conan (EU) Gold prices in our database.

About Age of Conan (EU) Gold

Age of Conan is a fantasy MMO released in May 2008, which was developed by Funcom. Originally on subscription basis, the free-to-play version of the game was released on June 2011, with limited access to the game, while subscribers enjoy premium access. A month after, the microtransaction system was made available, which allows players to buy in-game items thru Funcom Points. The game has since then had one expansion, the Rise of the Godslayer; and two adventure packs, The Savage Coast of Turan and Secrets of Dragon's Spine.

The fictional world in the Age of Conan is called Hyboria. Players can choose from three races: Aquilonian, Cimmerian, Stygian or Khitan. Each race has its own archetype and further classified into classes. Some of the classes were originally not available to free players, but this was made otherwise on December 2012. The comabat system seems to favor difficult-to-perform combinations as these cause more damage and strikes faster. Combinations at odd angles such as down the middle of the head, diagonal slash from right to left, or vice versa. EU and US servers both received hard core PvP on July 2011.

Currency in the Age of Conan comes in four types: gold, silver, copper and tin. The heirarchy of the currency is that one hundred units of the lower currencyis equal to one unit of the next level currency. For example, one unit of gold is equal to one hundred units of silver. There are NPC vendors scattered all throughout Hyboria that specialize in one item or another.

Latest Articles About Age of Conan (EU)

Can You Earn Age of Conan Gold from the New Crafting System?

We explore the money-making potential of the upcoming crafting system for Age of Conan. Based on recent previews, there are signs that it could either be a profitable venture for dedicated crafters or do the opposite, which is drive prices down as crafting becomes democratized.

New crafting system
Age of Conan fans were first promised a new crafting system late last year, which basically hopes to expand crafting to more players (starting as early as level 20 from level 40) and make more crafted items powerful comparable to raid-obtained equipment.

This two-fold approach is meant to empower crafting and thrust it forward as a more essential part of the game, instead of its current status as an optional and often weak gearing path.
Another big breakthrough with the new crafting system is that players will now be able to craft PvP gear. This should ease the rough experience new players have when first entering the PvP scene as they can now deck themselves in appropriate weapons and armor, and at least put some resistance to more established veterans.

The question of whether these changes will lead to potentially lucrative or loss-making possibilities for crafters will all depend on the limits and restrictions developers will impose.

Potentially lucrative?
Should developers roll out tons of limits and restrictions on crafting the best items, then this could open up crafting as a very rewarding Gold-making activity. The most dedicated crafters will be able to crank out powerful, in-demand PvE and PvP gear that will be bought at the market. Competitors will be few and far in between because of the prohibitive clauses, possibly through a very tedious crafting skill leveling progression, and will force most casuals to simply purchase crafted gear rather than waste time and effort creating a few pieces they need.

Or loss-making?
On the other end of the chance spectrum, the new crafting system could end up with minimal limits and restrictions, and allow everyone even the most casual of players to craft the power items.

"In The Secret World for example everyone can craft everything too, and there really is no crafting economy. You mostly lose money if you sell crafted items instead of components," said official forums user paulson.

paulson was referring to The Secret World, another Funcom MMORPG, whose crafting system is so permissive and pervasive that there is no longer a reason for any player to sell finished crafted items; they can just sell the ingredient components, which sell much higher due to the huge demand.

With delays hounding the new crafting system - such as the recent move of the Funcom Headquarters and leadership changes - fans will have to wait and see which of the two possibilities becomes reality.