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Last Update: January 1, 1970
gameusd - In depth
Products. sells virtual currency, item loot and power leveling services for only three online games: Diablo 3, World of Warcraft (US and EU) and Star Wars: The Old Republic (US and EU). Such a limited game selection seems intentional in that they wanted to focus on consistency of stock instead of catering to many title but suffering from shoddy supply.
Shopping and Payment. Landing in the homepage of, you can quickly order virtual gold in minutes, which is very convenient. Some RMT shops make it a maze for you to buy their products, but has figured out that the easier you make it for customers to place an order, the more likely they will do so. The site also offers a 100% money back guarantee should you make an order but decide to cancel it because of late delivery, poor communication or any other unsatisfactory customer service. Preferred payment methods are via PayPal and Credit Card.
Pricing. Prices here are one of the lowest in the market as seen here. Tight-budgeted gamers will want to keep tabs on for this reason. Because of the already bargain basement prices, you will not likely receive further discounts or bonuses. Make sure to take this into consideration when comparing with other sites.
Speed. A fantastic thing about is that they provide fairly accurate ETA delivery times right from the moment you order, usually as fast as 5 minutes to a few hours. It can take longer though during particularly high demand or low supply days, as when a new patch hits. Still, the site gives a positive impression that it has a well-ordered supply chain backing up its virtual gold operation.
Customer Service. One of the friendliest 24/7 live help hotlines. Customer service agents are eager to please and knowledgeable, although the site itself provides enough information so that you won�t have to bother asking about most policies most of the time. Instead live chat becomes a place for you to follow up on orders as well as to confirm supply, which they do so quite competently.
Shopping and Payment. Landing in the homepage of, you can quickly order virtual gold in minutes, which is very convenient. Some RMT shops make it a maze for you to buy their products, but has figured out that the easier you make it for customers to place an order, the more likely they will do so. The site also offers a 100% money back guarantee should you make an order but decide to cancel it because of late delivery, poor communication or any other unsatisfactory customer service. Preferred payment methods are via PayPal and Credit Card.
Pricing. Prices here are one of the lowest in the market as seen here. Tight-budgeted gamers will want to keep tabs on for this reason. Because of the already bargain basement prices, you will not likely receive further discounts or bonuses. Make sure to take this into consideration when comparing with other sites.
Speed. A fantastic thing about is that they provide fairly accurate ETA delivery times right from the moment you order, usually as fast as 5 minutes to a few hours. It can take longer though during particularly high demand or low supply days, as when a new patch hits. Still, the site gives a positive impression that it has a well-ordered supply chain backing up its virtual gold operation.
Customer Service. One of the friendliest 24/7 live help hotlines. Customer service agents are eager to please and knowledgeable, although the site itself provides enough information so that you won�t have to bother asking about most policies most of the time. Instead live chat becomes a place for you to follow up on orders as well as to confirm supply, which they do so quite competently.
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