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FUNINGAME - Price History
Last Update: June 20, 2008
FUNINGAME - In depth
Products. is a virtual property trader, specializing in five online games: World of Warcraft, MapleStory, RuneScape, Guild Wars and EVE Online. It sells virtual currency for these titles. For other games, it can refer you to its sister sites, including,, and
Pricing. Prices here are very expensive compared to other sellers, particularly with their World of Warcraft Gold. can provide a long list of far cheaper alternatives.
Shopping and Payment. Shopping is similar to other virtual currency sites. Pick a game, provide details such as faction and character and order quantity, and submit your payment details. Orders can be made in as fast as a few minutes. Payment options though are extremely limited; only PayPal is accepted as of the moment.
Speed. Virtual currency deliveries can take as short as ten minutes to as long as a day. Refunds are offered when deliveries still have not been made within two days, which occur most often during live patch days when supply is very tight or when they have issues confirming your payment or credit information. Orders of more than $100 may get priority delivery.
Customer Service. Live support agents have a knack for smoothening out the kinks in the ordering and delivery processes. Feel free to air out concerns, and agents will try to assist however they can. The live support link though is quite hidden and can be found after clicking the �Contact Us� button at the very top of the homepage. would do well to provide a more readily accessible live support link.
Pricing. Prices here are very expensive compared to other sellers, particularly with their World of Warcraft Gold. can provide a long list of far cheaper alternatives.
Shopping and Payment. Shopping is similar to other virtual currency sites. Pick a game, provide details such as faction and character and order quantity, and submit your payment details. Orders can be made in as fast as a few minutes. Payment options though are extremely limited; only PayPal is accepted as of the moment.
Speed. Virtual currency deliveries can take as short as ten minutes to as long as a day. Refunds are offered when deliveries still have not been made within two days, which occur most often during live patch days when supply is very tight or when they have issues confirming your payment or credit information. Orders of more than $100 may get priority delivery.
Customer Service. Live support agents have a knack for smoothening out the kinks in the ordering and delivery processes. Feel free to air out concerns, and agents will try to assist however they can. The live support link though is quite hidden and can be found after clicking the �Contact Us� button at the very top of the homepage. would do well to provide a more readily accessible live support link.
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