The MMORPG-Exchange - Profile

Ranked #111 out of 431 shops

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Street address: 15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160
PMB 353, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
Country: United States
Livehelp: Available
Payment options: American Express E-Check MasterCard PayPal
Visa Card

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The MMORPG-Exchange - Price History

Last Update: March 5, 2008

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Review by l4nscaper
Here is my most recent expierience: Order was placed almost 2 months ago on 11/28/2009 it is not 01/25/2010


<order #> seriously it has been almost 2 months when is this order going to be completed.

Welcome <myName>! Your request has been directed to the Customer Service department. Please wait for our operator to answer your call.

Call accepted by operator Nicole. Currently in room: <myName>, Nicole.

sorry sir,we are still out of credits now
how about a refund

Nicole has left the conversation. Currently in room: <myName>.
Review by pimpinthebox
Update: Now a week and a half has gone by, and not a single isk of the 2 billion I ordered has arrived. Not a large sum by any means.

I contacted them on 2 Mar 08 regarding my order and was told:

nfo: All operators are currently assisting others. Due to heavy traffic volume the wait times may be lengthy. Thank you for your patience, we will be with you as soon as possible.
info: You are now chatting with 'Ella'
Ella: Thank you for visiting, How may I help you today?
<redacted>: good evening ella...can I please get a status update on my order, it has been 6 days and I have yet to see what I ordered
Ella: Checking for you now, please hold
Ella: this may take a few minutes
Ella: ]please hold
<redacted>: o.k.
Ella: i apologize for this delay and for the inconvenience, the team is still working to resolve this issue and to pull up the delivery system on EVE , therefore all deliveries are delayed until further notice, this may take 24-48 hours, again i apologize for this delay.

so I contacted them again tonight 6 Mar 08,

and was told that the order has been delayed past their original estimate (no shit shirlock, that is why I am contacting you) and it will be several more days before delivery can be made.

Now there are two main issues here, first of all nowhere on the site does it say that there is any sort of problem delivering to eve.

Secondly, they managed to up the price of isk, not once, but TWICE since I placed my order:

My order:

Game: EVE Online
Server: Tranquility
Character: <redacted>
Ordered Amount: 2000 Million Isk
Status: Open
Placed On: 02/26/08 3:17 pm
Updated On: 02/26/08 4:39 pm (they verified the order and said delivery would be within the hour)

Price I Paid: $131.50

Now the price for the exact same order is $201.74

So I am undecided, do I wait it out, or do I file a dispute with paypal, knowing if I go back to my regular supplier, since it would be much more expensive for the same amount?

More details will be posted here as they are available

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