Itemgarden - Profile

Ranked #58 out of 431 shops

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Itemgarden is no longer operating. Contact details on this page, including phone numbers, e-mails and URLs, might not be accessible anymore. Any details about the shop as well as past customer feedbacks are provided as a reference only. For a list of alternatives to Itemgarden, please check our top-ranked shops here.
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Telephone: +86-216-532-9425
Owner: Shanghai Conquar Electronic Technology CO.,Ltd
Street address: Room 502, NO.22, Long 91
Zhayin Road, Baoshang District
Beijing 200438 BJ
Country: China
Livehelp: Available
Payment options: PayPal

Top 5 Ranked Shops

#1 InGameDelivery
#2 Koala Credits
#4 Avatarbank
#5 MmoGah
Below, you can find Itemgarden reviews written by users. Find out if Itemgarden is legit or a scam. Learn first-hand experiences about buying currency from this gold seller. Discover Itemgarden delivery time and check out customer feedbacks to see answers to the most frequently asked questions: Is Itemgarden legit? Is Itemgarden safe and reliable?

Itemgarden - Price History

Last Update: January 1, 1970

Itemgarden - In depth

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Itemgarden is one of the leading virtual currency and service suppliers for MMORPGs. The company operates from both U.S. and China. The website has been online since May 2004 and built a good reputation in the industry. The company has many supporters recommending customers to the website.

According to Alexa who gives websites ranking based on web traffic information, Itemgarden takes a position at 85,838 while the industry's leader IGE is at 33,588. The company did not make any significant progress until 2006 where a huge jump of web traffic brought them more business opportunities. Customers are from both U.S. and European countries such as Greece, France, Spain, and U.K.

Mmowned has a favorable review of the company. The reviewer highly recommends the site although the price was not the cheapest. Similarly, the Edge of Nowhere forum gave it a good overall score. A user called mankin from Mmomven forum agreed on its merit but was more critical with their customer service. Gitfan from Mmoglider forum also had some languages problem with live support.

As at September 10, 2007

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Itemgarden - Read Customer Reviews

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Review by Tommie
i have bought gold many times from them but now they have started scaming ppl. I bought gold for 75£ and they scammed me..
Review by Ricky
On 15the of mai 2013 did i buy gold for 70 €, the ammount of gold should be 113.000 gold to deliver instantly.
But when i marked my character as "ingame" in the traceorder of the itemgarden website ive got nothing. So i open on the Itemgarden website the chat pane to talk with them and ask when they deliver.
THe answer was that i had to wait! So the instant delivery was gone!
After a week ive got a part of the ammount of gold and they promise to deliver the rest of the gold soon.
Every day in the first 3 weeks i did the same talk whit them on the chat pane and they where farming for me. every day the same answer: we will call or mail you when the order is ready to deliver.
After those 3 weeks i open the chat pane every week to ask them where the rest of the gold is and when they are deliver but ive got the same answer
Yesterday i was furious because of the fact that they completed the transfer of the gold in the traceorder
So i complain that i never got the complete ammount of the gold and why they marked as deliverd when it's not
Answer: we will trade again the rest of the gold
But now i now they will never do this so ive lost money on them
Today i'm waiting for them to deliver 5874 gold wich will never happen
Review by vugy1231
Well ive bought gold for 70 bucks n they used 30hours to get it for me when i first got it they gave me 100k and then he said ops i gave u the wrong order plz give it back ur full order is 109k i said no etc and then he started to say if u dont give it back u will get banned etc etc so he gave me 9k and then i ok fine but then the same guy said u need to trade me it so i can printscreen it to prove the company that ive given u the order he said and i said ah okay i get it and so i did it when i did he just logged off so itemgarden is scam dont trust the site
Review by txhisp73
As the below gentleman mentioned, these guys used to be very good. Fast and reliable. They are scammers now and like he said, are always still farming for the gold. I lost approx. $39 bucks on these guys. Will never use them again. Wish I had read this post before buying.
Review by meffi
Sorry to inform you, but this shop used to be good but last time I used it, they scammed me for 50$.
I tried to contact them several times, but they told me always that they need more time.

Never got the gold, after 3 month, so beware of this gold seller, will never use them again.
Review by Happynoob
I just ordered 10k gold from these guys, I got 12500 gold in total wich means I got 2500 gold for free. They have fair prices and good service from my experience, this was second time I ordered from them. Got the gold ~10 minutes after my payment went through!

People who say they suck need to remember if you are on a populated server it may take longer to get ur gold because of how many gold orders ur server gets :)
Review by IGHappyCustomer
It took them almost 1 hr 15 mins. to deliver, but I got my Kinah! While their website advertises 10-30mins for delivery, I think that a little over an hour or so is still pretty reasonable. Their cust. serv. agent was friendly and explained the delay reasonably. All in all a tad irritated that they didn't meet their proposed time, but quite happy to have my dinero (err I mean Kinah).
Review by hapa
I use to go through when I played Guild Wars. I stopped using them because their delivery time was terrible in WoW and then they took down the WoW-US services for a long time when they did an upgrade to the website. So recently I saw they had gold posted for a low price. When I talked to them in Live chat, they assured me they had the gold in stock. So I made the purchase and they called me to confirm the order. I waited and waited all night, staying up as long as possible to receive the order.

Finally I went into chat again and spoke to Sophia who seemed like they didn't know what the heck they were doing. They could not explain why their system cancelled the order. They claimed they were refunding and asked for me to pay via Western Union. The person kept waiting 10 mins before responding to me and would not let me speak to anyone else. They had no clue why the order didn't work and advised me to try it again later.

Being that I haven't even gotten my money back, there's no way I'll place another order. How can I place another order when they can't even tell me why the other one was rejected? And they HAVE my money. Why can't they just fill the order? I'm shocked by the unprofessionalism and general chaos that the company is projecting these days. It looks like has gone way down in quality.