BroGame - Profile

Ranked #78 out of 431 shops

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Telephone: +13966695600
Owner: Wang Kai
Street address: anhui university 2003
international trading department
hefei Beijing
Country: China
Livehelp: Available
Payment options: PayPal
Alexa rank: 5,769,108

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#1 InGameDelivery
#2 Koala Credits
#4 Avatarbank
#5 MmoGah
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BroGame - Price History

Last Update: September 29, 2021

BroGame - In depth

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Brogame is a one of the well known Chinese operated virtual currency seller established in 2005. With over two years of selling history, the company claims serving more than 100,000 gamers already. This might be over the top, however the company's customer base is quiet something. On the record at least, Bizrate has received over 2,500 feedback from customers and the company's eBay account had over 280 customers. In addition, being Paypal World Seller and eBay Titanium PowerSeller gives a great impression of the company.

According to Alexa, the website was launched in the early 2005 then steadily gained traffic and eventually took off around 2006 where the customer base was quite stable onwards. The website is currently ranked at 87,638 with mainly US customers visiting while the biggest competitor IGE sits at 27,574

Although, the company used to have a solid reputation, it has been falling out of favor lately. Customer feedbacks have been mixed; Bizrate overall rating for the company is only 5.9. Customers have filed three reports at RipoffReport. Customers voiced their concerns with the company's power leveling service, others complained about gold service as well. The impression is the company used to be way better, more reliable and trustworthy until recently it is being close to a scam gold seller.

As at July 20, 2007

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BroGame - Read Customer Reviews

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Review by Noneya
I have no pity for any of you. You made the choice to go through rmt instead of doing thing the honest way. I play an MMO, and i feel that rmt ruins a perfectly good game. If your that lazy or incompetant, then you shouldn't be playing. I have 4 jobs maxed on the game i play through my hard work and time spent. I wouldn't go through rmt because it's cheating and goes against the user agreements that yall agreed to when you first started playing whatever games yall play.
Review by felixelgato
Powelevel = Sucks never do powerleveling with them, wish i had visited this site before doing business with them.

My account got banned for 3 days i asked for reimbursement since they had not completely leveled my guy and did not get $1 back.

Just to reiterate what everyone has said AVOID Brogame they farm with your account u get banned and u end up with nothing.
Review by fuckBROGAME
My son purchase a powerleveling from 1 to 50 for $52.24, and we paid for it with Paypal. Two days later, I get an email saying to contact them via Live Chat. So we did, the rep. said they wanted more money to do the 1 to 50 powerleveling. I told them, I'm not paying it, but how much? They said it would be $170. for the same service. This is even when their own site still said $52.24 at the time of our conversation. See screen shot I took:

That very next day, after my live chat, they changed the price to $129.24 See currently link:

Now they won't refund my son's money, (he's 11 years old), now how to explain this to him?? I filed a Paypal dispute, they keep referring me to the Powerleveling dept. for refund. But they still refuse to give me our money back. I just filed a Credit Card dispute today. Trust me, We will get your money back.


Email me if you have any questions: [email protected]
Review by Wizeguy525
Originally posted by brogamepl
This is brogame company. We are sorry to hear your trouble but we never use bot ,please believe us ; and we will offer the most suitable compensation if your accounts has any loss; Also we are offer many special activity now like extra gold or powerleveling for free ,especially for old customers ; By the way, if you any requests or suggestions ,please don't hesitate to contact our livehelp at anytime or email to us :[email protected] . We hope to offer you best service to improve your gaming experience . ==================================

They never offered me any compensation for my loses, let alone acknowledge them.

I will have to file a formal complaint with Paypal and hope I receive my money back.

[Edited on 6/8/2008 by Wizeguy525]
Review by Wizeguy525
Well, My experience with BroGame says it all in my title. LOUSY! I ordered the honor power leveling service which was supposed to be completed in 5 days. Instead what I got was them using my toon to FARM with a BOT!!! And they weren't farming HONOR, they were farming herbs to go sell on the AH!!!

So, not only did I lose out on my real US DOLLARS, I also lost all my mains and alts GOLD! Yes, thats right they took all my gold! I was lucky they didn't sell all my mats and armor and delete my acount. Or at the very least get a ban.

So, bottom line is this company IMO is fraudulent and I would never recommend them to anyone, PERIOD.

Review by daviddoran
I ordered a pl service, got banned, should have learned my lesson. They got banned simply from logging in from chinese IP addresses. No way around that. Never use powerleveling services from foreign companies, it is a guaranteed ban.

Also, do not believe any good posts here about brogame. Especially the ones with poor english. I'm not trying to say that only people with poor english are under cover, but it's in their best interest to have some good reviews to off set the bad ones, so I have to err on the side of caution.

Paypal denied my refund because the order was for "intangible or virtual goods" too bad the warcraft box I bought which is no longer usable wasn't part of their sale, that would have classified it as tangible.

BTW DO NOT ORDER FROM BROGAME!!! YOU WILL GET BANNED!!! YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A REFUND!! They will try to pro rate your order for a new account, which will also get banned, they will try to offer you a low amount of gold to compensate, but that is not fair. Imagine ordering food at a restaurant, paying up front, watching them make the food, then watch it get dropped on the floor before they hand it to you, watch it get thrown away, and then have them not offer you a refund, and try to give you half a sandwich, because "we already put in the effort to make your food, so we shouldn't have to expend any more resources to give you anything"

That is NOT the way to do business, and they will NOT last long term.
Review by Seanda
I have done many bussiness with those Gold website,such as thsale,brogame etc.Generally speaking,Brogame is not bad.Gold delivery is always fast.Maybe power leveling is a kind of long term product,there are some problems happened.haha,What make I EXCITED is my 1-70 perfect packeage had finished successfully.Thats why I will choose Brogame again and recommend.:P
Review by jason
Originally posted by Thunder
I got some service out of them when i talked to them direct, screw that live chat stuff, call them direct the # is (this includes country code) 011-86-13966695600 ==================================

I called and spoke to a man named Kai, he is goign to call me back in 30 minutes, or i will call back in an hour.

online support is useless and a waste of time. they never speak clearly and never answer your questions. only as you to hold on
Review by Thunder
I got some service out of them when i talked to them direct, screw that live chat stuff, call them direct the # is (this includes country code) 011-86-13966695600
Review by maegnos
I bought 60-70 powerlevling.
had about 400gold on the character, alot of pretbc epics and enchanting, leahterworking stuff ect.
They levled my character to 62, and then they stole all my gold, sold my gear, all the stuff in the bank ect, deleted my professions and so on.
Went to live chat, thay said that I had to come back in about 11 hours, then thier manager will be online.
i got this message about 20times, after showing up at the time they told me to. And when i finaly reached into the manager, he said: We have complete your order, hope you are satisfied. Thanks for your cooperation.

BROGAME = Scammers,
they delete your gear, take your gold and f**k up your character/account.

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