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chicksgold - Price History

Last Update: January 1, 1970

chicksgold - In depth

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Chicks Gold is a marketplace for in-game items, currencies, and accounts. It was established in 2014. The shop is from Canada and was established to connect players all over the world with their favorite games. Its objective is to be a marketplace for sellers and buyers who want to trade in-game items and currencies for real-world money.

While claiming to be a marketplace for virtual assets, you are unable to get in touch with a seller directly. Instead, it works pretty much similar to other RMT shops, with an option to sell your account, in-game items, and in-game currencies to them.


Although Chicks Gold may not have a wide range of products compared to other suppliers, they cover in-game items for many popular games, including WoW Classic, Lost Ark, Diablo 11, Escape from Tarkov, Final Fantasy X1V, Path of Exile, and Fortnite. You can also purchase in-game products for League of Legends, which only a few shops offer.

The options for in-game items from Chicks Gold are rather limited. For example, their in-game items for the OSRS are out of stock most of the time. In such situations, they usually urge customers to come back in a couple of days, after which they might have the items restocked.

If you still can't find any item you are looking for, you should notify their LiveChat agents, who will provide you with more information.


The prices for Chicks Gold are not mid-level. However, you should keep in mind that the prices you see on their homepage are not the final price.

An order fee and transaction fee also apply which make their prices higher than other sellers. For example, if your order is less than $20, you need to pay another $2 for a small order fee, while the transaction fee is around 8% of your order price.

Another thing you should take note of is that Chicks Gold prices fluctuate over time. This is due to the supply and demand system, or item drop rate. Therefore, it’s best to compare their prices with other sellers before making an order.


It’s easy to buy from Chicks Gold website. It’s very user-friendly. The process begins by selecting an item and quantity. After choosing the item, you just need to click the "Checkout" button.

Afterward, you can verify your order in the shopping basket and proceed to select your desired payment method. You can then finalize the transaction by pressing the "Pay Now" button.

Chicks Gold can deliver a small order fast – which can be in less than an hour. However, for a large order, the process can be significantly longer. Sometimes, it can take over 5 business days since they need to first verify the payment. Once it’s done, they will start delivering orders, which they might not be able to complete the full order at once. Instead, they may separate it into 2-3 deliveries.

Payment Method

Chicks Gold provideas various payment options such as credit cards, PayPal, Skrill, Zelle, Cryptocurrency, Venmo, CashApp, Wire Transfer, and Alipay.

They also accept cryptocurrencies. However, please note that different payment methods have different transaction fees. They may also need to take more time to verify the payment as well.

Customer Service

Chicks Gold's LiveChat stays open 24 hours. You can talk to them whenever you need from checking order suppliers to tracking order status. You can also make any suggestions you have to their LiveChat.

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chicksgold - Read Customer Reviews

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Review by Danielle
Thieving robbing lying scammers. Lost thousands of dollars. Contacted them and was basically told to shove it. Checked reviews after that happened and found THOUSANDS of people saying they were not only scammed and/or robbed, but people claiming they lost their accounts, got blocked for things they didn't do, and lost thousands, in a few case, over ten thousand dollars (can't imagine spending that much on a game, but still shouldn't be robbed). And in each case they were all told to shove it. Chicksgold did seem to respond to people... to accuse them of being at fault, even though it's literally dozens and dozens of complaints on the same thing by thousands of people over the course of what seem to be years. They do have customer service, it's just not to serve customers, it's to attack and insult them if there is ever a problem. If you want to lose your account and money, go there. If you want to be scammed, robbed, blocked, etc AND then told to go *bleep* yourself, I totally recommend them. The only use I can imagine for this company, is to punish people you hate. Tell everyone you hate to use Chicksgold for vengeance. If you want to hurt someone you hate, this is the place to recommend!

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