War Thunder Premium Currency

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War Thunder
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War Thunder Premium Currency Price History

Last Update: April 28, 2024

On this page you'll see a listing of providers from which you can buy WT Premium Currency. This overview not only includes the War Thunder Premium Currency prices of every shop, but also a customer rating. Shops listed as trusted sellers have a proven track record and are usually safe to buy from.

Our WT Premium Currency list has been last updated on April 28, 2024. The next update is scheduled for April 29, 2024. As of April 28, 2024 the median price for 1,000 is $0. Currently there are 0 War Thunder Premium Currency prices in our database.

About War Thunder Premium Currency

War Thunder is an MMO that is developed by Gaijin Entertainment with the them inspired by World War II. The game can be played on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, PlayStation 4 and Nvidia Shield Android TV. Although the game is modeled on a free to play system, players have the ability to acquire almost all features of the game even by not playing.


There are two kinds of currencies in the in-game economy for War Thunder. Silver Lions and Golden Eagles, which is also supported by research points and convertible research points

Silver Lions

The main War Thunder currency is the Silver Lions. It is used to purchase new aircraft, crew slots, and modifications in the game. It is also used in the repair of damaged aircraft and to purchase ordinance and ammunitions. Earning battle trophies can earn Silver Lions, as well as by demolishing enemies and ground units, playing games, completing single missions, and assisting in achieving kills. To speed up players progress through nations aircraft and ground unit trees, they will need to have a premium account. That way, they can earn more amounts of Silver Lions per battle. If a player is running low and will need some quickly, Golden Eagles can also be converted to Silver Lions.

Golden Eagles

Premium machines, reserve airplanes, more slots in the hangar, faster crew development – all these and more additional content can be bought by a Golden Eagles, which is an in-game currency that can be spent on a Premium account. They can also be exchanged to a Silver Lion.

Research Points

To research ground units and new aircraft, players will need research points. Earned in a similar way as the Silver Lions, players will need to play games and achieve ground unit and air kills, and achieve kill assists. To help players unlock their desired ground units and aircraft faster, they can increase research point gains by purchasing premium account time, similar to Silver Lions. To get more planes and upgrades, players can get 10,000 research points per round.

Convertible Research Points

Aside from research points, players can also earn at each game an extra back-up pool of research points called the convertible research points. Using Golden Eagles, these can be converted to research points at any time for any aircraft. This is the case if a player wants to research a given ground unit or aircraft faster than through playing only.